
Pattis France

Workshop about the brand values, social media


A visual identity may not be enough sometimes. In order to make it blossom, you need to breathe life into it. Hand in hand with Anne-Sophie Garnier Noirhomme from Paris agency La Toolbox, we helped Norah and her team at Pattis France step up to this challenge.


I have been designing brand identities for more than 10 years now. My mission includes supporting my clients in understanding the potential of their brand. A branding concept goes beyond a logo and a few posters, it is the sum of all the tiny things that clients and partners will see of your company. It is a wide open window on your company’s universe.

Pattis France was trying to establish itself as a leading place for food, culture, sophistication and "art de vivre". They had a solid branding guide and an appealing motto, but they struggled to go beyond them to forge their online presence. Anne-Sophie and I went onsite in Saudi Arabia to bathe in the Pattis universe so we could craft together the future of their communication.

They struggled to go beyond them to forge their online presence.

Defining one’s identity always boils down to this very question: "Who do you want to be?". Through our first workshop together, we asked ourselves this question, but I wanted to go further. Which role do you play locally? Which heritage are you a part of? How can you harness it?

In a few hours together, we tried to go beyond what Pattis was. It is not just about food and art, it is about telling the story of how Pattis sees them and chooses to promote a certain vision of them. It is about how Pattis contributes to a local culture, to a territory. When collaborating with partners on such projects, one of my aims is to help them gain awareness of the role they are playing on a local scale and to embrace it, to do it with good heart. For example, we imagined which partnerships Pattis could tie with local artists, craftmen and women. That is how the idea of collaborating with local designer was born.


We built a time-related and sustainable base of inspiration that the team could use to write Pattis’ story on social media.

During the workshop, I chose the metaphor of seasons and the calendar so Norah and her team could see things from a brand new angle. We went further on this idea by imagining Chinese portraits for each month in the year. We built a time-related and sustainable base of inspiration that the team could use to write Pattis’ story on social media.

A lot of communication has to do with the material at your disposal. We spent time building the inventory of all the things that could contribute to drawing the Pattis universe, and that goes way beyond beautiful dishes in spotless pictures. Decoration, kitchenware, lamps, flowers, bookcases, architecture of the city, life and stories of the people in and around the company, but also moments of the day and how Pattis was applying its special touch to them.

By widening Norah’s view of her own branding universe, we were allowing her to harness the whole power of her brand.

A good brand, infused with culture, values, creativity and solid visual material gives many possibilities to their owners. By helping them, my purpose is strategic and inspirational: by widening Norah’s view of her own branding universe, we were allowing her to harness the whole power of her brand, as well as her own. "I feel so much better now, I feel cleansed", she said at the end of our five-day workshop.

My purpose throughout this project was to bring the Pattis identity alive and help Norah and her team feel empowered to embody it, and develop it with a creative and strategic mindset.
